VIRDO++ can accurately estimate the bike chain geometry (predictions overlaid in magenta) under occlusions due to objects at the front. Note that the chain intermittently makes contact and rests on the table, which is correctly predicted by VIRDO++ despite significant occlusion of where the chain makes contact.


Deformable objects manipulation can benefit from representations that seamlessly integrate vision and touch while handling occlusions. In this work, we present a novel approach for, and real-world demonstration of, multimodal visuotactile state-estimation and dynamics prediction for deformable objects. Our approach, VIRDO++, builds on recent progress in multimodal neural implicit representations for deformable object state-estimation (link) via a new formulation for deformation dynamics and a complementary state-estimation algorithm that (i) maintains a belief distribution of deformation within a trajectory, and (ii) enables practical real-world application by removing the need for contact patches. In the context of two real-world robotic tasks, we show: (i) high-fidelity cross-modal state-estimation and prediction of deformable objects from partial visuo-tactile feedback, and (ii) generalization to unseen objects and contact formations.

VIRDO++ is composed of an implicit signed-distance field representation of geometry (bottom), informed by a deformation dynamics model (top), where dotted lines indicate hyper networks that decode embeddings into network weights.
We generated artificial occlusion at the bottom 15% of the spatula’s pointclouds. Even under occlusions, our approach can accurately infer how the geometry of a test spatula deforms over time, indicated by high overlap agreement between the prediction (magenta) overlaid on the ground truth (black).


  • In 6th Conference on Robotic Learning (CoRL 2022), Auckland, New Zealand (poster)



  doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2210.03701},
  url = {},
  author = {Wi, Youngsun and Zeng, Andy and Florence, Pete and Fazeli, Nima},
  title = {VIRDO++: Real-World, Visuo-tactile Dynamics and Perception of Deformable Objects},
  publisher = {arXiv},
  year = {2022},

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